Monday 12 July 2021

My heart is full

They say the secret to happiness is low expectations. For our whale watching trip this afternoon we had discussed AT LENGTH with the kiddos that we might not see anything, and should consider ourselves lucky if we saw a few distant fins. So, I struggle to come up with words to describe how overwhelmed we felt at the point where we were literally surrounded by whales - a pod of fin whales (the second largest animals in the world,  the captain told us) in front of us, a pod of humpback whales passing behind us and so many minke whales popping up in the foreground and background we stopped pointing at them. It was unbelievable. Tadoussac has outdone itself as a destination and we've only been here a day. I was taking pictures mostly with my digital SLR, so the whale pics are grainy pictures of my SLR screen,  but they give you the gist...

We had a spectacular morning too. You can tell I'm making up for 1 1/2 years of not traveling. We ran down the giant dunes at Tadoussac and explored the sand flats until we ran out of beach. 

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