Thursday 17 November 2011

Brendan's train day

We treated the big brother of the house to a special train day today. Rob found out there was an train movie playing at the imax at the science centre in toronto called the Rocky Mountain Express. We decided to make a whole spectacular train day of it, so we drove to the Oshawa train station to get the GO train. Brendan sees it beside the highway every time we go through Toronto and always asks about it. Rob drove with the twins and picked Brendan and I up 7 stations down the line. Unfortunately to get to the science centre from the closest GO station involves a subway, then a bus, and we just weren't willing to attempt that with the twins in a stroller. So Rob picked us up and we all drove on to the movie. Brendan had a great time on the train and was very excited to sit on the upper level. We had an exciting moment getting off the train. The speakers announced we had arrived at Danforth so Brendan and I got off and started walking down the platform. We stopped to wave goodbye to the train and saw the conductor standing in the doorway. I quickly asked her which way the exit was and double checked "this is Danforth,  right?". " yeah,  yeah" she said and then suddenly did a double take and said "No, no its Scarborough, sorry"! Yikes! So we ran back on the train and rode it one more stop. The twins and Rob loved the imax movie. Brendan not so much.  Poor kid. We were all set in the theatre, and he was very excited but as soon as the lights went out and the music came on ( granted, at top volume) he freaked out. He and I spent the remainder of the 40 minute movie alternating between standing outside the theatre and just inside the door.  Guess he's not ready for movie theatres yet. Oops. All in all, it was a very... er, memorable day. (:

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