Thursday 10 November 2011

3 Months Old

Wow! The twins are three months old today. Time flies! They are clearly no longer newborns, and are spending more time each day staring at toys on their play mat, smiling and making noise. I am boggled by the box of clothes they have grown out of already. I spent most of the day trying to extract the next batch of "3 month size" clothes they will be growing into from the storeroom. I really need to be more organized about these things. Between the totes of Brendan's baby clothes, the dresses my mother saved from my infancy, the clothes we have received as hand me downs and the all the wonderful gifts they received it was an all day task. But man, are they ready to hit the town lookin' good now! I forgot to include Paddington Bear in our 3 month photo shoot a few days ago, so here is the official 3 month photo with Paddington for scale. Also I included a series of Heidi's smiles; pleasant, happy and ecstatic...

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