Tuesday 29 November 2011

Happy Harry

Well, the only thing constant is change. Our little man, who we used to nickname "Harry Fit" because his patience was so very limited has become "Happy Harry"! He loves to giggle and coo and smile huge wide grins whenever you smile at him. Productivity at home has ground to a halt as a result. It's very addictive to just sit and smile at them both all day long now. You sound ridiculous, of course, because the smiles are only accompanied by giggles if you make lugubrious "GOOOOO" noises over and over, but hey, that's parenthood.
Heidi has changed too. Our once placid little girl has turned into a real baby, one who occasionally cries, fusses and occasionally yells. She still sleeps too, though...
I thought once they got head control they would be easier to hold at the same time, but now they're heavier. They're also squirmier, and try to make a break for it whenever we put them on Brendan's lap.
We had a lovely weekend with the Coles to celebrate mine and Betty's December birthdays. What a slice of life shot; Coles playing a board game, and Rob juggling both babies (Father of the year).

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