Sunday 6 November 2011

A warm Sunday

We celebrated the balmy temperature today by exploring the waterfront trail in deseronto. As you can see from the picture the water is conspicuously absent from this section of the trail, but it was still a pretty path through the woods.

Our original plan for the day had been to go out for breakfast to Mike's (the restaurant at the 401) but we still hadn't left the house by 2:30 so a change of plans seemed in order. Flexibility certainly seems to be a requirement for families with twins! That, or an inability to tell time.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, you're not alone; planning a morning departure but not leaving the house before 2:30 sounds very familiar, and we don't even have twins! Good for you guys making such brave plans :) Did you consider "falling back" 4 or 5 hours instead of the traditional 1? This may have helped you stay on time! ;)
