Wednesday 21 September 2011

Next Challenge - The Long Drive

A quiet week of laundry, laundry and more laundry. The twins clothes are all small enough, but Rob and I can't seem to get through a day without getting covered in spit up, so the clothes really add up. I wish Marks Work Wearhouse would come up with a line of water repellant nursing tops and pyjamas...

Well, Ripley Fall Fair is this weekend, and never being the types to shy away from a challenge, we're going to attempt our first long drive (ie. more than one stop to feed kids required). We're going to leave Thursday morning, and slowly drag our way across the province; we assume it will take us most of the way. If we can make it to the edge of Toronto before they need to eat the first time, we should make it to Guelph-ish for the next meal and might be able to slide into Ripley for the next. Or it could all go terribly wrong and I could be writing next week on the blog that we were still only at Bowmanville!

1 comment:

  1. Again, you are my hero. I am getting nervous about our first trip to Kingston with 1 baby at Thanksgiving and here you are carting 3 kids all over Ontario!
