Sunday 4 September 2011

The Cottage Photo Post

Alright! I controlled myself to only 170 photos (post editing) this week, so that didn't take as long as I'd thought it might. That and the kids finally stopped eating for a few hours. They seem to sleep very soundly mid morning, the one time we don't necessarily feel like we need a nap. Clearly we will have to adjust our schedule to match theirs!

We had a good trip up to the cottage. We had to stop once; gone are the days when we can do a 2 hour drive in one shot. We are hoping to go up to Ripley (a 4 1/2 hour drive) for fall fair (the last weekend in September). It may take us 12 hours.

The cottage was just what we needed; no pressure to get dressed or feed ourselves. In fact, I even read a whole book while we were there! We ate a few meals out on the deck, got down to the dock a few times and had a lovely canoe ride, so it really did feel like we'd gotten in some quality cottage time (thanks to Bob and Gail and all their help).

Brendan continued to be an angel, playing on his own for hours crashing his trains in fiery wrecks. He had a great time fishing with Dad almost every day, and even caught his first fish! He goes off to Kindergarten on Friday (the 9th), although he is adamant that he is not going. This could be very interesting...

Enjoy the photos! I'm limited to 5 photos per post, so there will be five posts in a row...

I will let you be your own judge. The extreme close up of Harrison's right temple is proof (I believe) that in just the right light after a bath when his hair is at it's fuzziest his hair is a little tiny bit red. Rob is adamant that I'm wrong.

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