Friday 30 September 2011

Getting Into A Routine

Well, it's been a relatively quiet week for the Lock family; could it be we're actually settling into some sort of domestic routine? Impossible! We're actually off to a wedding this weekend; our very good friend Gregg is getting married. Rob is part of the wedding (watch for dapper tuxedo pictures next week) and Bob and Gail are coming down to look after the whole brood (brave grandparents!) in our hotel suite 5 minutes away from the wedding site. It could all go very smoothly, or it could not. So far these kids seem to roll with whatever we throw at them, so we'll just have to try it and see! It has been a very quiet week at home though. Brendan had a new milestone this week; first day home from school sick (on Wednesday); a short lived fever and still present cough. It doesn't seem to have slowed him down for more than the one day. We also had our first open house at the school this evening and the teacher was very complimentary; she said Brendan was very sweet and polite and very... "young". We apologized for his, er, limited sharing skills with trains and she defended him soundly, saying that "it's the older kids who egg him on". Rob and I are still puzzling that out... It's been ages since I downloaded photos off the camera, so that's on my to do list for tomorrow. If I succeed, I'll post them up right away. I caught an inadvertant smile on Heidi in one photo that I'll post for sure. The twins are growing like weeds (no new weights) and now make eye contact, which sounds like a small thing, but feels so so special when you look down at them in your arms and realize they're looking up at you. Harrison is getting slugglier by the minute and can sense the minute you put him down. I'm convinced that what Fisher Price needs is not vibrating or rocking seats, but warming seats. Our little Heidi likes to coo while she drinks, a very odd sounding combination. Hopefully I'll get those photos up tomorrow, take care.

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