Friday 26 August 2011

Second Dr's Visit

In the clear!!

We had a very successful second doctors visit this afternoon. Heidi has regained her birth weight (plus an ounce) and now weighs in at 5 lbs, 13 ozs. This is very exciting because it means we no longer have to top her up with bottles if she doesn't seem to want to eat anymore. With Heidi this is always a distinct possibility. She seems quite happy to eat at a slow, sedate, ladylike pace, much to the chagrin of her parents at 3 in the morning.

Harrison (also known as the chow-hound) on the other hand has put on a whopping 8 ounces in one week, and now weighs 6 lbs 9 ozs. No worries about feeding him. The main challenge with him (night or day) is burping him enough times in his 15 minute feeding to make sure he doesn't spend the next 3 hours slowly spitting it up. Generally he belches twice at the 3 minute mark, then again around the 10 minute mark. These are details I have to remember at his wedding for a good speech!

A very quiet feeling day (our first without family). Rob let me sleep in until 11 (it was an extremely long night, with the 2 am feeding rolling right into the 5 am feeding, thanks Heidi). Then we had lunch, Rob cut half the lawn and we went to the doctors. That's a whole day. Depressing, rather. Someday I'll be productive again...

We have decided to try to sneak up to the cottage for a few days. It's not as crazy as it sounds, Bob and Gail will be up there for back up as we need them. I haven't been up since my "house arrest" started in April and am desperate for a little deck time. Hopefully Hurricane Irene doesn't affect us weather wise.

Thanks to everyone for all your comments and congratulations, we're having a great time reading them!

Pictures above are my nephew holding Harrison for the first time (he was a wonderful big cousin, and put in lots of babysitting time while he was here), and one of Heidi saying "Hey!"

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