Sunday 14 August 2011

Home At Last

We've been home for almost 24 hours now and settling in very well. The kids are eating great; after 5 days of bottle feeding, Harrison has taken to nursing with no difficulty. He is totally our champ eater. We've even managed several sessions of nursing both at once, although when I say "we" I really do mean it's a 2 person job. Still, it's encouraging that we may someday be able to do this feeding 2 babies in a half efficent way.

We were sad to say goodbye to Mimi and Papa this morning, they have been such a huge help while we were in hospital. My Mom and Dad arrived yesterday afternoon as we came home from hospital and are helping us try to figure out life at home and some sort of routine.

Not going to lie, we are totally exhausted, but glad to be home and start on the process of getting used to our lives. At this point we can't even remember which drawer we put the bibs in, etc., etc. I can't wait to look at all the photos we've taken on the camera over the last 5 days, and will be keen to post the best ones when we do. Who am I kidding, I can't wait to get organized enough that I'm not having lunch at 2 in the afternoon.

The babies are sleeping, I'm off to bed...

1 comment:

  1. Welcome home guys!!!
    What a little Champ Harrison is, can't waito meet them!
