Sunday 24 July 2011

A Watched Pot Never Boils...

There have been no more eventful trips to the hospital, especially now that I know what 5 1/2 lb babies doing somersaults feels like. Every day seems to be different; Friday; felt great, Saturday; somersaults, Sunday (today); felt great, we'll see about tomorrow. On an upside, the heat wave has broken a little bit and I'm sleeping again (well, ok, I'm only getting up 2-3 times the last two nights, but that's a BIG improvement from the 6-8 times I'd gotten used to). In one very disconcerting turn of events, the children have shifted distinctly off centre, starting on Tuesday. It's a wonder I don't keep falling over to the left. This picture from last night sitting on the couch shows off what I mean...

We've been  keeping busy, in a low impact way, but it's getting a little tiring packing the hospital bags, camera, shaving kit, clothes etc. into the car every time we go out, just to bring most of it back in again when we get home, but I guarantee the day we don't will be the day I start having contractions while we're in town.

Relaxing on the deck with friends Tyler and Kylie

Lots and lots and lots of pool time

Rob and Brendan building sand tunnels at Sandbanks

Soaking in the sun on the beach

The Belleville Model Train Club set up a demonstration table that kids could control at the local library.
Brendan stood right there for about 2 hours.

Heather and Blaine take us for a ride around Deseronto

A family picnic in the County

Playing on a rock  beach in the County. If Rob had not helped me up from this position I might still be there.

Today's big milestone is 36 weeks! We're thrilled! Tomorrow morning we will see the OB for our now weekly visit, and set a date for the scheduled C section. I will definitely post when we know more.


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