Friday 29 July 2011

No Date

Contrary to what the ultrasound technician told us during our scan yesterday, the report she wrote to the doctor states that our baby boy, who is now head down again, is the lower twin (and therefore, first to be delivered). So, no date for C-section because now the plan is to deliver the normal way.  That's not a bad thing at all, just a surprise.  I'm glad they'll do an ultrasound  in the delivery room to double check what position the kids are in, given what an active last couple of weeks it's been.

So now we just wait to go into labour...

I asked the doctor how long we wait with twins, and he said that if nothing has happenend by week 38, he will induce. I asked whether that meant the beginning of week 38 or the end of week 38, and he said that meant between week 38 and week 39. Crystal clear.


  1. Wow, your heads must be spinning with all the back and forth, and not getting any definitive answers! I feel for you guys. Hope something happens soon, so you can stop wondering about all the possibilities! Best wishes :)
    Heather N

  2. Ahhhhh the suspense is killing us! Matt voted that labour would start today and be born the 31st... We will see!
