Thursday 21 July 2011

Nothings Up

Aha, my mothers intuition must be sharpening! We are back from hospital and my guess was correct. My new cocktail of uncomfortable symptoms is thanks to our acrobatic daughter moving around, who on ultrasound at the hospital this morning is confirmed to have now flipped further to a transverse position across the top of my belly, back down. Essentially, she is lying side to side (head on my right, feet on my left), directly under my ribcage (can feel that!), arched backwards (looking up at the sky). Not the most comfortable position in the best of conditions!! Sigh.  I fear the last few weeks (?days) of this pregnancy may go very slowly if she is going to fill her time trying out various contortionist poses.

In any case, labour is not progressing (things are still "long" as opposed to "effaced" - I'm getting the hang of this lingo - and I'm only 1 cm dilated, which apparently you can be for weeks), but the cervix is soft rather than hard, so that implies the babies are "getting ready". That along with this whole "dropping" feeling still makes me wonder whether the big show is just around the corner.

We'll see!

1 comment:

  1. Checking in as much as we can! Thinking of you guys! Matt and Melis
