Friday, 29 July 2011

No Date

Contrary to what the ultrasound technician told us during our scan yesterday, the report she wrote to the doctor states that our baby boy, who is now head down again, is the lower twin (and therefore, first to be delivered). So, no date for C-section because now the plan is to deliver the normal way.  That's not a bad thing at all, just a surprise.  I'm glad they'll do an ultrasound  in the delivery room to double check what position the kids are in, given what an active last couple of weeks it's been.

So now we just wait to go into labour...

I asked the doctor how long we wait with twins, and he said that if nothing has happenend by week 38, he will induce. I asked whether that meant the beginning of week 38 or the end of week 38, and he said that meant between week 38 and week 39. Crystal clear.

Thursday, 28 July 2011

The Final Ultrasound

So, an interesting, if not totally illuminating ultrasound visit today.

On the topic of the abnormal umbilical cord for our baby girl that was first seen on last week's ultrasound and the reason for today's visit; the 4 vessels were clearly visible again today. There's supposed to be 3; 1 big vein and 2 arteries, which we could see there, pumping away nicely, and then a 4th empty tube was also still present. After the ultrasound, the doctor was called to talk to us and explained that it was a "very interesting" thing to see and that in 25 years of practice he'd never seen it before. My daughter, the individualist.  He also said that since there was nothing flowing through it, the extra vessel isn't doing anything and is therefore totally unconcerning. He called it a "decoration" several times.  Hey, some girls really know how to accessorize.

We were lucky today, and they did a full scan, including weights, positions etc. etc., so we have new pictures. Our girl wouldn't give a profile, but the two kids did pose for a lovely (if you can see it) picture of the boy in profile kissing the girl on the head. Or whispering in her ear "if you don't get your foot out of my..." It's cuter to think of it the first way.

Our boy in profile (check out that nose!!).
The thing just below his face, in front of him, is his hand pushing out on me as hard as he can. Charming.

This is a little blurry. The girl is labelled Baby B and the outline of her round head is on the left.
The boy is in profile on the right, with the bottom of his nose and lips pressed up against his sister's head.
So sweet!
The thing above his head is his hand, pushing out on me, again. Not quite so sweet.

So, now for the confusing part. They have moved again. Big time. I was convinced the ultrasound tech had the kids reversed until she showed me "boy bits" and "girl bits" to prove it. The girl has flipped over again, and is now breech. The boy has flipped over again, and is now head down. The girl has wedged herself back into the lower position (hence, still a C-section) AND they decided to do a little do-si-do and switched sides, so for the first time, she is on the right and he is on the left. This is essentially a mirror image of where they had been for the last 3 months. Maybe now they can stop with all the gymnastics!

And now for the really confusing part. The ultrasound tech announced that he is 7 lbs 1 oz, and that she is 6 lbs!!!! That's over 13 lbs of baby! While that's fantastic news, it's also hard to believe, since 8 days ago he was 5 1/4 lbs and she was 5 1/2 lbs. Babies at this stage are predicted to gain 1/2 a pound per week. The tech said that different computer systems will calculate weight in different ways which could explain the discrepancy between KGH's numbers and Belleville Hospital's numbers. By inputing her values into a different program, the weights were calculated as 6 1/2 lbs for him, and 5 1/2 lbs for her, still great, but slightly more reasonable. That version of the numbers, however, implies that he gained a pound and a quarter in 8 days and that she gained nothing. So, I'm confused. If nothing else, it makes me that much more eager to meet them in person!

So, as I said before, a very interesting, if not totally illuminating day.


Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Measuring milestones at Tim Hortons

We have a chocolate milk tradition after Brendans swimming lessons on Wednesday. Last week I could only balance 1, this week I'm big enough to balance 2 iced cappuccinos! Hows that for measuring progress?

Monday, 25 July 2011


Still no date! The planner in me may implode any moment!

At our doctor's appointment this morning, we were told that the ultrasound report from last Wednesday mentioned a "4 vessel umbilical cord" (that's apparently abnormal) that the doctor wants to have examined more closely with an ultrasound in Kingston on Thursday. Once that is done we're to go back to see him the next day and plan a date for our C-section. He seemed totally unconcerned about the "abnormality", but does seem to enjoy torturing me when it comes to this C-section date...

Sunday, 24 July 2011

A Watched Pot Never Boils...

There have been no more eventful trips to the hospital, especially now that I know what 5 1/2 lb babies doing somersaults feels like. Every day seems to be different; Friday; felt great, Saturday; somersaults, Sunday (today); felt great, we'll see about tomorrow. On an upside, the heat wave has broken a little bit and I'm sleeping again (well, ok, I'm only getting up 2-3 times the last two nights, but that's a BIG improvement from the 6-8 times I'd gotten used to). In one very disconcerting turn of events, the children have shifted distinctly off centre, starting on Tuesday. It's a wonder I don't keep falling over to the left. This picture from last night sitting on the couch shows off what I mean...

We've been  keeping busy, in a low impact way, but it's getting a little tiring packing the hospital bags, camera, shaving kit, clothes etc. into the car every time we go out, just to bring most of it back in again when we get home, but I guarantee the day we don't will be the day I start having contractions while we're in town.

Relaxing on the deck with friends Tyler and Kylie

Lots and lots and lots of pool time

Rob and Brendan building sand tunnels at Sandbanks

Soaking in the sun on the beach

The Belleville Model Train Club set up a demonstration table that kids could control at the local library.
Brendan stood right there for about 2 hours.

Heather and Blaine take us for a ride around Deseronto

A family picnic in the County

Playing on a rock  beach in the County. If Rob had not helped me up from this position I might still be there.

Today's big milestone is 36 weeks! We're thrilled! Tomorrow morning we will see the OB for our now weekly visit, and set a date for the scheduled C section. I will definitely post when we know more.


Thursday, 21 July 2011

Nothings Up

Aha, my mothers intuition must be sharpening! We are back from hospital and my guess was correct. My new cocktail of uncomfortable symptoms is thanks to our acrobatic daughter moving around, who on ultrasound at the hospital this morning is confirmed to have now flipped further to a transverse position across the top of my belly, back down. Essentially, she is lying side to side (head on my right, feet on my left), directly under my ribcage (can feel that!), arched backwards (looking up at the sky). Not the most comfortable position in the best of conditions!! Sigh.  I fear the last few weeks (?days) of this pregnancy may go very slowly if she is going to fill her time trying out various contortionist poses.

In any case, labour is not progressing (things are still "long" as opposed to "effaced" - I'm getting the hang of this lingo - and I'm only 1 cm dilated, which apparently you can be for weeks), but the cervix is soft rather than hard, so that implies the babies are "getting ready". That along with this whole "dropping" feeling still makes me wonder whether the big show is just around the corner.

We'll see!

Somethings up ...

Don't think I'm in labour but a very uncomfortable night (children flipping around again no doubt ) so we're headed to the hospital again just to make sure nothing is happening. My suspicion is that they have "dropped ", so real news may be coming sooner than later.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

The ultrasound technician called our babies chunky!!!

Here's the update from our final ultrasound ; babies are a healthy 5 lbs 8 ozs and 5 lbs 4 ozs! The big question today was whether our baby girl (baby A) who was sitting lowest and therefore due to be born first was still breech (head down). Given that she has been that way for the last 3 months I figured it was a no brainer that she would have stayed that way.  Apparently not. She has flipped,and is now head down. Her brother, who was head down or transverse all along has also flipped! He's now feet down. How did that all happen without me being aware?? Lots of time floating in the pool I guess! So, if baby a is head down, no more planned c section, right? Wrong! In a surprise move, baby b (our boy ) managed to wiggle underneath baby a for the first time since week 9!  So since he has flipped to a feet down position we are still lined up for a c section, date to be determined at next Monday's doctor's appointment.  It was a very exciting ultrasound visit. I don't trust these wiggle worms in the slightest though now, and intend on dusting off my old prenatal class notes in case this labour turns out to happen the old fashioned way...

Baby B (The Boy)
Baby A (The Girl) facing the camera. Look for the mouth, nose and right eye to orient you...

Monday, 18 July 2011

Latest Doctors Visit

Another "no news is good news" posting...

Had a visit with our OB today, who was very happy that we have made it to week 35!  He made no other commitments time wise until we have our ultrasound on Wednesday to confirm that Baby A, our little girl is still feet down. Assuming she is, the doctor said we will make a date for our c-section next Monday for sometime in week 38 (August 8th to 12th, if he and I do the math the same way). I'm impressed he thinks I'll make it that long...

In other news, I'm really, really, really hot. 

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Diaper Shower

Thank you so much to Kim for a lovely diaper shower! We've got the babies room well stocked now, and feel like we're really ready to go. It was a lovely afternoon with the ladies (and a few tiny men, there's nothing more perfect to decorate a twin baby shower than two little babies!!), we're very lucky.  Heather came with her 6 (!!!!) day old Reid, and we received 2 diaper cakes. If you have never seen one of these I will post pictures, because they are a work of art!

The Diaper Cakes, Dismantled

Kim made the most delicious Shower cake I could imagine - cookies! Little blue and pink people... just like our little ones!

Thanks again Kim, and Heather, Heather, Laurie and Melissa.

Here's to the end of week 34, cheers!

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

...By The Numbers

Having a low key Week 34 while Brendan hangs out in Ripley with his Mimi and Papa. We're trying to take it very easy now since twins arrive "on average" at week 35. Goodness knows, I've always aimed to be average...

Nancy by numbers - Height - 66 inches, Circumference - 44.5 inches

Heading Out To A Fancy Dinner, Just The 4 Of Us

I don't think I'll have time to catch up to my height, but I'm certainly trying! I also feel good about keeping the Canadian Dairy industry in business through my mass consumption of ice cream. You gotta do what you gotta do...

Saturday, 9 July 2011

The Ever Expanding Children

Rob and Brendan are off to Ripley for a family wedding (congrats Erin and Jeff, wish I could be there!!), so I have nestled myself into a spot on the couch and promised not to do anything dramatic until Rob gets back tomorrow.  It's a great time to get caught up on all sorts of little projects, like putting my "profile" pictures together. These pictures are spaced roughly one month apart, the most recent one a week and a half ago.

Feb. 26 - 15 Weeks (almost 4 months)

Mar. 28 - 19 Weeks (almost 5 months)

May 5 - 24 Weeks (6 months)

May 23 - 27 Weeks (almost 7 months)

July 1 - 32 Weeks (8 months)

There's been no more excitement this week, just lots more Braxton Hicks contractions. These apparently don't necesarily mean things are progressing or that babies are imminent, but generally just make me uncomfortable and Rob worried about leaving this weekend.

Thanks for the feedback, and hopefully comments are easier to add as an "Anonymous" user now. Thanks to the rather frantic packing of our hospital bag on Sunday night, we have just about sorted all these last few details out and can get into waiting mode...

Monday, 4 July 2011

No News Is Indeed Good News

Back from the hospital (thanks to neighbours Pat and Kristin for coming across and keeping an eye on sleeping Brendan during our little "outing").  Having Braxton Hicks contractions but, without wanting to get into oversharing about my cervix, no sign that labour is starting. So, indeed, no news is good news. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so that will be good timing to ask extra questions about what all this means.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

I'm Sure It's Nothing...

Just a teesny bit worried I'm in preterm labour - everything seemed to get very tight this afternoon and has not let go, like a 5 hour Braxton Hicks contraction - so we're headed to the hospital just to make sure nothing is up.  Will update as soon as possible to let folks know that no news is good news...