Saturday 24 November 2012

Disney Photo Post - Part 1

The disney photos are uploaded, rotated and edited down to 600 of my finest shots. Which is impressive since most of these pictures were taken without stopping. Granted I've deleted the most blurry ones.

Here is a smattering of my favourites;

Brendan and I waiting for our turn to ride Brendan's first roller coaster... in the front seat! What a way to start roller coasters! But he did great and loved it! To quote; "Brendan what did you think of that?" "It was awesome" "Do you want to do it again?!" "No Thank You"

Blame Disney fever, but I renegged on every promise I ever made not to dress my twins up in too matchy matchy of outfits and dressed them in matching Mickey and Minnie sleepers for their first day in Disney World. Here we are waiting in line for It's A Small World

Disney was full of new experiences for the the kids, including first 3D movie. Heidi watched the whole thing. Harrison was unimpressed with the lack of walking around in a movie theatre.

One of the highlights of Brendan's trip was the obscenely large chocolate milks he got for dinner (and the obscenely large chocolate chip cookies, and the obscenely large ice creams...)

Our second dinner was an extravagant all you can eat Hawaiian buffet at the Polynesian Resort. Brendan danced a heartwarming dance of love with his dad and we all got leis!

Animal Kingdom (the newest Disney park, like a zoo, but not) had animal interpreters scattered all around the park. This one is convincing Brendan to pick up different pieces of laquered animal poo.

On our Kilimanjaro Safari Jeep Ride a huge rhino walked right in front of our jeep. The adults all seemed far more impressed by this whole ride than the kids, but it was very cool.

Trick or Treating on Hallowe'en at our resort, starring Tinkerbell, Peter Pan and Spider Man.

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