Thursday 1 March 2012

Heidi Sits Up!

Heidi sat up on her own! Well, sort of. On the couch, so fairly well supported, but still! You'd think I'd have a picture but it's buried on the other camera. Harrison still only wants to stand up straight. He looks like he may never sit up alone, since that involves bending in the middle. Another exciting milestone on Saturday; all 3 children stayed with our neighbourhood babysitter (plus an extra teenager, just so she wasn't too terribly outnumbered) while we went out bowling with the neighbours. And... everybody survived! Even the babysitters! It sounded like an uneventful night, and if we can ever afford to pay two babysitters for a full night again we'll do it for sure, haha. We've had a fun week with my Mom and Dad this week, with lots of train track building for Granny. Harrison seems totally fascinated with Grandads beard. We've been saying goodbye to some of our favourite outfits, so taking pictures of them seems to be the best way of preserving them for posterity. The blue pit crew uniform on Harrison was one of our favourites from Brendans era. Sigh...

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