Thursday 23 February 2012

Another Weigh In

We had a L.M.A.O. get together yesterday (Lonsdale Mothers Advice Organization, or Lonsdale Mothers Aggravation Outlet, depending on the day) and one mom has a scale so we have a new set of weights for the twins. These are a little bit of an overestimate since both children were still dressed and diapered, but Harrison weighed in at 18 pounds even (!!) and Heidi rang in at a respectable 14.8 pounds (so what, about 13/14 ounces!). They just never cease to amaze me. Harrison is fully into his 6 month clothes now, but slight little Heidi still fits nicely into her 3 month outfits. I'm going to have to dress her in bigger things less I miss the boat on those outfits all together! In other huge news, Heidi rolled over yesterday! Several times. Once these kids master a concept, they certainly like to practice it. Things they do not like to practice - eating chicken. The current thinking with solids is to start with cereals, and then move onto meats. So, Heidi and Harrison have been happily smearing rice and oatmeal around their faces (I don't think they're actually ingesting much, but the mess is rather impressive after each meal), that means next came Chicken. Chicken smells awful. I will admit that from a parental perspective. Judging from Heidi's face, it tastes even worse than it smells. It's like torturing them, Rob and I feel fairly bad at meal times now. On the flip side, we let them each taste hummus today (protein rich, after all)and they both seemed very interested, going back for several tries. Maybe anything tastes good after baby food chicken...

1 comment:

  1. I am amazed that Harrison fits into 6 month clothes!! Nick is 17 lbs, 2 oz and he is wearing mostly 12 month clothes (a few exceptions with pants.) Craziness! I puree my own chicken and mix it with carrots and he loves it. The jars from the stores don't look like real chicken!!
