Friday 22 March 2013

Eighteen Months Old

Wow! 18 months! Insert cliche about how fast the time goes here. The twins had their 18 month checkup and amaze us at how fast they are growing! Well, at least some of them are. Harrison weighed in at a very respectable 26 pounds. His head is still disproportionately giant, but so was Brendans. Heidi on the other hand is a very petite 21 pounds (her head is more proportional)! That puts her on the 3rd percentile for growth, but if my memory serves me correctly we also spent most of Brendan's infancy bragging about how good he made the 4th percentil looked, so nobody is too worried.

Everyone we met in the mall, doctors office etc. who had twins said in the early days "Don't worry, it'll get easier..." They lied. Clearly. Every week feels busier and more scattered than than last, but the good news is that we've gotten so used to it that it barely bothers us anymore. Once your reference point for sanity has dissapeared, crazy feels normal! Just as predicted, the twins have starting to play with each other, in all sorts of endearing ways. They chase each other around the kitchen/dining room/living room loop in our house, they sort of-kind of share toys (until they really don't and scream bloody murder). They have begun to give each other random hugs, and kisses (so cute!), slap each other and hump each other (not so cute), share toothbrushes back and forth and put food they don't want on the other's high chair tray. It's a good relationship, one with a lot of give and take, figuratively and literally!

March has been a fairly quiet month, again, and we haven't strayed from home much. Bob and Gail came back from Texas and promptly took all the kids for a weekend, which was crazy, I mean amazing of them. Rob and I went to the cottage to sleep in late, read while sitting down (a real novelty when you live with Heidi, who loves to be held at all times), finish sentences, go to the bathroom in peace and all sorts of other high end luxuries.

The twins are sleeping through the night most nights these days. Yay!!! As a trade off, Harrison has begun to wake up an hour earlier (5:30 am) and wake his sister. He will fall back asleep if we bring him to bed, but Heidi is then up for the day. Not so yay. We've been trying some things, the most effective of which seems to be banishing Harrison to the basement. I feel bad. Until 5:30, that is.

So wish us luck, and wish us spring, just don't wish us peace; it would be far too disorienting at this stage!

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