Wednesday 25 July 2012

Home, for a little while...

We made it home from our week following Alison around on Sunday night. Sadly, she was supposed to fly home late, but her flight was cancelled and rerouted through Glasgow. We got a message from her on Monday morning saying she was hoping to get on a flight to London soon. Argh, the joys of air travel. Speaking of air travel; we've booked our first family vacation; we'll be going to DisneyWorld in Florida in late October/early November. I've been in planning heaven for months now, and will be up until the moment we leave I'm sure. It's just the kind of place that lends itself to that! I couldn't help myself (I'm a bit of a Disney geek) yesterday morning; Brendan was looking quizically at my Figment hologram cup in the bathroom and finally asked "how does it keep changing?". I'm usually a little obsessive with giving him factual, scientific answers, but this time I said "It's from DisneyWorld; it's magic".

The twins and Brendan all seemed happy enough to be home. Small changes have happened since we were home last though. Harrison is tall enough now to be able to reach almost everything on our black coffee table and the couch. This has created quite a problem for Brendan, as this was the final refuge for his toys in the living room. We've now had to put up a baby gate across the end of the hall so he can play with his toys in the hall outside the bedrooms while the babies wander around in the living room. The only problem with this set up is that he needs a stool on either side to step over. Heidi keeps stealing the stool on the living room side and wandering off with it (she pushes it along the hardwood like a walker), thus stranding Brendan in the hall. Poor guy. He really has been very patient with these little siblings of his.

Heidi and Harrison are holding strong at two teeth each, although they are each literally leaving a trail of drool wherever they go, so they may sprout the top ones soon. Harrison has switched from commando crawling to crawling on all fours, and is much quicker now. I didn't think "quicker" was possible with these two, and yet, they keep surprising me!

We tried to have a lovely family moment in the backyard yesterday. I felt gearing up all the kids to drive to the playground was too much work, so I set up our littlesplash pool in the back yard instead. This was not as quick a task as I had imagined. Instead of just running the hose for a few minutes there were a few obstacles; the pool had to be cleaned out of the sand that had been deposited in it (blame the 5 year old whos sand box is beside it (: ), splash had to be played with the water obsessed Border Collie, 3 buckets of warm water had to be brought out once I remembered the daughter is sensitive to cold water etc. Then we were ready. We changed 3 children into bathing suits, lathered 3 children in sunblock, carried Heidi and Harrison outside, placed them in the pool with a pile of toys, cracked a cold beer and commenced relaxing... Within 3 minutes Harrison was splashing so much that both Brendan and Heidi had had enough and bailed. A rearrangement of twins (so that Harrison's feet were facing away from Heidi) solved the problem for a full 6 minutes. It was a lovely 6 minutes. Then Heidi and Harrison both turned and crawled out of the pool (I didn't know they could do that?!). In opposite directions. Heidi headed straight for the garage. While I was retrieving her, Harrison headed for the sand box and ate a leaf. While I was attempting to extract it, Heidi succeeded in making it into the garage and we called the whole thing off.

I had an epiphany though. I had begun to feel crazy for camping/cottaging/visiting so much. What I realized though, is that life on the road is chaos, yes, but it's the same chaos as it is at home, only with prettier scenery. (:

On that note, we head off next Tuesday for a 10 day camping trip to Temagami and Timmins (Northern Ontario). Should be fun!! Hahaha. We'll be arriving home on the twins first birthday (the 9th) and I should have some stories to fill out their first year!

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