Wednesday 20 June 2012

Holy Milestones, Batman!!

Wow, I don't know what Rob's been putting in the twins cereal this week, but today is another day of milestones. Apparently learning to crawl is not enough for one week.

At 4 am, Harrison woke up with a blood curdling scream, even louder than his usual "I've just woken up a bit peckish, mother" scream. I ran in and discovered him in his crib sitting up, looking particularly disoriented. I don't think he knew how he got there, or how to lie down. Rob says he's done it several times again this morning. I'm not surprised he learned to sit up first; he's been working on his ab crunches for months and months. He's also very good at holding his head up when he falls backwards, so now he's really got some mobility and freedom!

Heidi, not to be outdone by Harrison fitting two firsts into one week, started this morning to make driving noises when she drives her little yellow car and Brendan's new car carrier truck. I thought she was just blowing raspberries (this she's been practicing at each meal time for a few weeks), but it sounds slightly different and she only does it when she pushes the vehicle and stops when she drops it. It seems she's been watching her brother!

She's also watching Blaze with adoration and fascination. She's been babbling dada and mama for ages but not at us specifically (she also seems to say blah blah blah a lot when I'm around, but I tell myself I'm imagining that). But I think her first word is going to be dog (or some babyfied version thereof). She is absolutely transfixed when he walks into the room and tries very hard to say something when she sees him, but nothing is coming out consistantly yet. First word watch is on...

They've also started to pay much more attention to each other the last few weeks. As I write Harrison is chewing on the bow on the back of Heidi's dress. They crawl towards each other, they watch each other a lot and making one laugh makes them both laugh. That's my favourite twin thing so far (: They do a maddeningly large amount of handing food back and forth at meal time, we're going to have to start seperating them. I should qualify that, since you're probably thinking "why seperate them, that's so cute!!". The problem is that Heidi hands everything to Harrison and then cries when he takes it, and that Harrison throws everything he is handed very purposefully over the side of the tray. The only one who wins is Blaze, who now gets called in after every meal for "clean up". His aged canine eyesight struggles a little to find all the cheerios on our new kitchen floor, whose colour we specifically chose to hide dirt. Oops. Sorry, Blaze!

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