Saturday 28 April 2012

That girl WANTS to roll over!

We are having issues with Heidi and sleeping these days. She is bound and determined to sleep on her stomach. Being the rule abiding mom that I am I know all the parenting information now tells you this puts your baby at a higher risk of SIDS so I am equally bound and determined not to let her. This has resulted in a few, er, moments of disagreement.

Step one, put Heidi to bed on her back in her crib.
Step two, check on Heidi in 10 minutes to make sure she has fallen asleep.
Step three, discover she has rolled onto her stomach, face flat into the mattress.
Step four, roll her quietly and gently to her side
Step five, as you creep noiselessly out of the room await the inevitable wail of sorrow as Heidi discovers she is no longer on her stomach, and horror of horrors can breathe again. Sigh.
Step six, attempt to soothe, sush and otherwise placate Heidi. Fail. Even though you're not supposed to give babies stuffed toys in their crib either, break down and give her the soothing noises sheep she loves so she can suck on his ears. Sneak back out of the room.
Step seven, sneak back into the room to make sure she is still on her side. Discover her lying face first into the mattress again. Dammit.
Step eight, repeat previous few steps several times until you give up and strap her into her swing which will keep her well positioned at least.
Step nine, check Heidi one last time (see photo)  and finally just accept that at 8 months old her will may already be stronger than mine. If she wants to turn over, darn it, she will find a way...

1 comment:

  1. You have more patience than I do!!! I gave up after one night of the tummy rolling... S sleeps face first in the mattress... Arg.
