Monday 17 October 2011

October Weigh In

Argh! It’s been a rather frustrating week. We’ve been fighting a very nasty computer virus which has meant I haven’t been able to get on to my email, blogger etc. for a very long time (hence all the short posts). It has also messed with our videos and photos (they’re there, but inaccessible), so I have nothing to post up with this note. I’m ready to throw the laptop out the window. Brendan has also been testing his limits much more lately. Whether we can attribute it to starting school, having new siblings or just being 4 is anybody’s guess, but it’s challenging for everyone. We spend most of the day repeating “Brendan, you know that’s not allowed”. I miss having fun with my child. The twins on the other hand are doing great! They have both really woken up and are spending more of their time now awake and looking around. Heidi is smiling quite a bit, mostly when she’s got a full tummy, and Harrison throws in the odd smile. It’s a lot of fun to put them down on the floor and watch them kick and smile at you. It’s hard to believe they’re moving out of their newborn stage, but time marches ever onwards! We are slowly learning how to manage our bigger family. Rob was a superstar and took all 3 kids to Brendan’s swimming lesson by himself a few weeks ago. I am not brave enough to attempt that yet! Brendan is doing a great job at swimming and is doing more and more swimming all by himself, but is still adamant that he doesn’t like it until he gets there. The twins had their 2 month check up and shots last Friday. Harrison (aka Hungry Bear) is now 10 lbs 13 ozs!! He certainly is looking more and more solid and has grown out of all of his newborn size clothes. Heidi is up to 8 lbs 13 ozs. I know it shouldn’t surprise me that they’re growing, but it still amazes me every time they’re weighed. Both twins were very brave for their shots, even Harrison, who is typically not the toughest kid. He was however comatose for almost 12 hours from the dose of Tylenol he got. Hmmmm, good to remember… ha ha ha. We did leave the doctor’s appointment with some homework. Heidi prefers to look to her left side and has become lopsided on the back of her head as a result, so we need place her in positions that encourage her to look to her right instead to correct it. I am finding this very hard to figure out (the old, “is that your right or my right” thing), and am probably putting her in the wrong position 50% of the time. And half the time I’m probably positioning Harrison thinking he’s Heidi… it’s a very confusing household! We’ve got a few quiet weekends at home planned, between birthday parties and weddings. We are hosting the neighbourhood Hallowe’en party this year. Brendan has announced (to no one’s surprise) that he is going to be an engineer (the train kind, not the bridge building kind) and the twins are going as Thing 1 and Thing 2! Nancy

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