Brendan turned 6 today in high style - starting with presents on Mom and Dad's bed (a Lock tradition). He was very happy with all his toys - a Star Wars Lego AT-RT Walker with Yoda minifigure, a fishing rod with tackle box, Transformers Optimus Prime and Bumblebee (whom he sadly has already had to share with his baby brother who followed him around the house sobbing "Bubble, Bubble" until he was allowed a turn with Bumblebee) and a small plastic ball that expands into a creature called a Zooble. I don't get it, but he was thrilled.
We then headed off to the Museum of Aviation in Ottawa to see the special Star Wars exhibit (I booked the day off work). It was blissfully empty on a Tuesday and everyone had a great time. In addition to the large collection of Star Wars memorabilia, the Museum had a few cockpit cutouts for kids to sit in, an ejector seat demonstration that Brendan was chosen as volunteer for, and an innumerable array of planes spread around a football field sized airplane hangar. As museums go, it was pretty much perfect for the babies, who were able to wander while we held on to their backpack handles (leashes essentially), and even for a long while wandered while they held on to each other's leashes. This was great, since they slowed each other down quite a bit. Eventually Harrison lost interest, but Heidi took on the role with rather worrisome gusto, yanking on Harrison's line everytime he tried to stop to look around. I fear this one may be a little bossy.
I apologize that these photos are out of order, an eccentricity of my phone, I guess...

Fighter Pilot Brendan tries on a helmet and air mask for size - He looks just like Maverick from Top Gun!

The kids pose with Anakin's podracer from the Star Wars movies

Brendan with C3PO and R2D2 - Did you know there was actually a guy in each of those suits in the movie!?

Part of Brendan's birthday - we told him he could eat anything he wanted all day long - this is him eating a Tim Horton's sprinkle donut for breakfast

Arriving at the museum of aviation

Brendan loved watching Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield in the Space Station this spring, so we took the photo opportunity of a lifetime! With a cardboard cutout.

Harrison. Frolicking.

Brendan considers his future as a grown up air traffic controller on his first day being 6.

Harrison behind the controls of a Cessna

Brendan attempts to eject himself out of an rocket ejection seat.

The Lock brothers take the Cessna controls together. Pilot and Co - Pilot. Awwwwww.

Brendan was quite excited that he is taller than Yoda.
We then headed off to the Museum of Aviation in Ottawa to see the special Star Wars exhibit (I booked the day off work). It was blissfully empty on a Tuesday and everyone had a great time. In addition to the large collection of Star Wars memorabilia, the Museum had a few cockpit cutouts for kids to sit in, an ejector seat demonstration that Brendan was chosen as volunteer for, and an innumerable array of planes spread around a football field sized airplane hangar. As museums go, it was pretty much perfect for the babies, who were able to wander while we held on to their backpack handles (leashes essentially), and even for a long while wandered while they held on to each other's leashes. This was great, since they slowed each other down quite a bit. Eventually Harrison lost interest, but Heidi took on the role with rather worrisome gusto, yanking on Harrison's line everytime he tried to stop to look around. I fear this one may be a little bossy.
I apologize that these photos are out of order, an eccentricity of my phone, I guess...
Fighter Pilot Brendan tries on a helmet and air mask for size - He looks just like Maverick from Top Gun!
The kids pose with Anakin's podracer from the Star Wars movies
Brendan with C3PO and R2D2 - Did you know there was actually a guy in each of those suits in the movie!?
Part of Brendan's birthday - we told him he could eat anything he wanted all day long - this is him eating a Tim Horton's sprinkle donut for breakfast
Arriving at the museum of aviation
Brendan loved watching Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield in the Space Station this spring, so we took the photo opportunity of a lifetime! With a cardboard cutout.
Harrison. Frolicking.
Brendan considers his future as a grown up air traffic controller on his first day being 6.
Harrison behind the controls of a Cessna
Brendan attempts to eject himself out of an rocket ejection seat.
The Lock brothers take the Cessna controls together. Pilot and Co - Pilot. Awwwwww.
Brendan was quite excited that he is taller than Yoda.