The days are long but the years are short, isn't that how the saying goes? This evening I am dipping into a state of near comatose fatigue, which usually alternates with my regular bouts of functional mania. Rob and I are told regularly "I don't know how you do it". We always agree, "Neither do I".
And yet, life goes on, at the same breakneck pace as always, affording lots of opportunity for fun and adventure. I always feel like the more news there is to tell, the less I post, but I wanted to send a few major updates out there. Harrison is talking up a storm, gaining almost a word a day. Today he said "me" and pointed to himself (in reference to him wanting it to be his turn to give Blaze a treat, not Heidi's). Yesterday he said "food" for the first time, and no great surprise this weekends new word, appropriate for the Easter holiday, was "chocolate" (pronounced "chok-lit???", followed by dazzling, hopeful smile, followed by deep scowl when you try to change the subject). He says "apple juice" which is a testament to how observant a listener he is, since he's never been given juice (he steals the dregs of Brendans abandoned glass though and thinks it's fantastic). Heidi is also talking too, at long last! As I say that I'm trying to think of what words she says, and they're more sounds with lots of meaning attatched, so maybe she's not quite talking, but she's communicating verbally much more.
We had a wonderful day trip to the Museum of Nature a few weekends ago. Brendan is certainly turning into quite a scientist and is expanding his love of natural disasters into a new interest in space recently, thanks to the overlapping topic of the recent meteor impact in Russia. The museum had a special exhibit on natural disasters that we thought Brendan would love, but he's been talking about Blue Whales and Geodes (crystal filled rocks) ever since instead of tsunamis and volcanoes. Apparently he is also working on a special individual project with his kindergarten teacher right now on meteors, I can't wait to hear what comes of that. He's certainly a confident little guy, too. He asked Rob and I recently why planes choose to fly above the clouds instead of below them. I guessed that maybe it was to catch the air currents up high like the jet stream that would help them go faster. He thought about that and then said "I don't think that's right, Mommy. I don't believe that." Confident, check. Slightly annoying, check. Great scientist, double check! Don't worry though, he hasn't outgrown his childhood yet. His favourite thing to do is still play Playstation Star Wars and walk around the house pretending to be "3-CPO" (sic).
Heidi and Harrison have both been sprouting a bunch of new teeth lately too, and have a fairly impressive mouthful. No molars yet, but the rest of the gaps at the front are filling in. Their eating habits have progressed in the last month too, they now feed themselves (if, heaven forbid, you should try to feed them, you will usually get the aforementioned Harrison scowl and a stern, nasal "Nooo"), they love spoons and forks (Heidi's more into spoons, Harrison's big into his forks. They begin each meal with a spoon and a fork each, and they must swap early, because Harrison always ends up with two forks and Heidi has always jettisoned the two spoons - she's a big food thrower). They are also eating from bowls now, which is a big step forward to Mom and Dad because is has really cut down on the finger painting with food. They're very adventurous eaters. Old habits die hard, and we're so accustomed to Brendan's plain tastes that we often make them up a plate of cheese, crackers and grapes etc. just like their big brother is having just to have them throw it on the floor and demand the fajitas we're having. The other day they devoured a lunch of kangaroo sausage and crackers with hummus (it's a long story, we don't eat like that on a daily basis)!
The babies have both learned to jump! And dance, oh my goodness. Harrison LOVES to dance. Loves it. When he hears music he lights up, and starts to groove. He's big into break dancing on the floor these days, after watching Brendan do it once. Heidi has a very delicate one footed prance that she uses as her signature move. We have dance parties when Mommy runs out of ideas on how to entertain all the kids at once.
Easter, the most epic holiday in the Cole family calendar was a blast again this year, with a train ride 3 easter egg hunts, numerous board games, overflowing baskets of chocolate and some very serious egg decorating. The kids also made an amazing blanket fort which flowed through 4 rooms, called Fluffy Town! I'll try and attatch some photos. Great memories! And it
is those moments you remember, not the fatigued evenings at home, so here's to selective memories! Cheers!